Web analytics
Web analytics tools are great, but…
The goal of web analytics is not to gather data but to focus on delivering business insights that can help you make better decisions and optimize your performance.
Marketing was never simple. It has become even more complex with the explosion of digital marketing. The huge variety of websites, applications, advertising options, social media and other marketing channels simply does not help us in understanding the consumer.

“With the help of web analytics our marketing activities became carefully planned and more efficient.“
Joining the dots
Align consumers’ behavior with your business goals.
From a business perspective, data such as the number of page views and time on site do not offer any added value. The purpose of web analytics is to capture relevant user actions and behavior and connect them to business goals. Web analytics is based on a framework which enables companies to measure, analyze and optimize every step of their online performance.
How do we do it?
Based on your business goal(s), we develop a customized measurement framework.
This measurement framework serves as the basis for advanced metrics, the definition of the KPIs and creation of customized reports and a dashboard. These enable you and your team to better track and assess your marketing efforts. By measuring and analyzing every step of the consumer decision journey, each part of your online presence can be optimized.
Mapped consumer decision journey data can also be used to optimize your budget allocation, use of digital marketing channels and content strategy for each touch point.
With web analytics, the burden of taking a risk decision without proper data support fades away. Please contact us for further explanations.